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~ Adjustments and Manual Techniques: The use of gentle and manual therapies to the spine, cranium, viscera and extremities. We incorporate the following techniques into our treatment: Diversified, Adjustor, BEST, Sacro Occipital Technique, Biodynamic and Upledger Cranial Sacral, Activator, Coupled Reduction and Visceral Manipulation.

~ Cold Laser Therapy: We use red and violet cold lasers for healing at the cellular level resulting in decreased inflammation, scar tissue and pain. These lasers are FDA approved for musculoskeletal problems.

~ Trigger Point Injections: Homeopathic and Lidocaine injections to reduce or eliminate acute and chronic pain.

~ Fascial Therapy: The fascia is a netting-like material that envelops muscles and organs and holds our body together. Trauma and stress can create adhesions in the fascia resulting in pain, poor posture and unresolved muscle and joint dysfunction. We use a percussor machine that produces a light vibrational force that restores normal function of the fascia.

~ Color and Sound Therapies: We use these modalities when indicated for stimulating neurological and energetic pathways resulting in faster healing of the body.

~ Ultrasound, microcurrent and other physiotherapeutic modalites: We use these for decreasing inflammation and pain in muscles.


~ Nutritional Assessment and Counseling: General health, weight loss, detoxification and other health related issues.

~ Lab Testing: General blood and urinalysis. We also provide functional blood, urinary and salivary testing for heavy metals, pollutants, hormones, allergies, gluten, MTHFR gene mutations and Lyme Disease.

~ Natural Hormone Replacement therapy: Including Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for women and men.

~ Nutritional Dispensary: Includes pharmaceutical grade herbs, supplements and homeopathics.

~ Detoxification Programs: Liver and colon detoxification using medical foods, dietary changes, herbs, supplements and use of the ion cleanse foot bath to eliminate heavy metals, toxins, yeast and other harmful substances.