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The Natural Healthcare in our clinic focuses on the “whole body.” We use Applied Kinesiology, Naturopathy and Chiropractic Physical Medicine to diagnose and treat our patients holistically. We work with patients to help them choose the best treatment for their individual needs. Our practice is built almost entirely on the referral of one patient to another or from other providers.

Naturopathy addresses the biochemical and nutritional needs of our bodies. Living in modern day society we are affected by increased stress, environmental pollution, diets of nutritionally deficient foods and having more sedentary jobs and lifestyles. These factors can cause the body to be on a continuum towards a state of physiological dysfunction causing many kinds of conditions and diseases.

By addressing a patient's individual needs through the use of herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathy, detoxification programs, lifestyle and dietary counseling, the patient's body can begin to balance itself and cause healing so that optimal health can be obtained.

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic treatment facilitates better communication between the body and the brain, which helps the patient achieve a healthier state of being. Through chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitation and the use of physical therapy modalities, we can create positive physiological change in the nervous system that regulates muscle tone, movement and all functions of the body.

Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy works with the soft tissues and fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord. The doctor uses a light touch to create changes and optimal alignment of structures. This causes a subtle but profound release of tension in the neural structures relieving the body of pain, stress, and past trauma.

Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that combines both chiropractic and naturopathic care. In conjunction with appropriate lab work, patient history and physical exam, AK uses muscle testing as a medium to determine problems with many different functions of the body.

Integrated Medicine
Integrated Healthcare provides a network of professionals who work together to serve mutual patients. In our clinic we have a network of health care practitioners to whom we refer. We appreciate patients’ established connections with other healthcare practitioners and will work in conjunction with them.